
All discussions related to Challenge 1 Stage 2 Benchmarking


Postby bernd » Thu 20. Aug 2015, 11:35

Please bookmark this topic. The instructions below are going to evolve to capture additional concerns that appear throughout the benchmarking phase.

Each team received a safety briefing right after their arrival. In addition to the advices/rules communicated during this briefing you have to make sure that:
  1. you get an idea of the working envelope of the robot. Stay out of this zone when ever possible
  2. both emergeny buttons are in the hands of persons watching attentive the robot moving
  3. the emergency button is pressed always if the robot not expected to move and/or the persons are not watching the robot
  4. you get acquited to the motion interface of the robot driver in free space before using it close to potential contact situations
  5. you try your trajectories at a very low speed first until you are sure what will happen. Increase the speed only in small steps from run to run (don't switch from 10% in one run to 100% in the next run)
  6. you plan to move the robot especially slow when your trajectory passes close to a surface/when contact is likely to happen to allow you some reaction time if something goes wrong
  7. that the trajectories you run on the robot do not put to much strain on the cabling running from the robot base to the tool.
  8. when there is a chance that the module held by the module gripper might be dropped (e.g. by being pulled off, or switching off the vacuum) make sure that it does not fall hard onto the table/floor etc. Put damping material below.
  9. you use save intermediate points each few centimeters to move the robot over large distances to avoid collisions OR you make use of an obstacle aware path planer e.g like moveit with the correct collision model
  10. if equipment is being damaged due to you not following the guidelines above you are held responsible for the damage and the time needed for repairing the setup will be discounted from your duration lab access during your stay.

20150820_133807_lowres.jpg (26.93 KiB) Viewed 745 times

The position of the robot platform changes between the individual runs. The limits are indicated with grey tape on the floor around the platform.
The possible position range of the door module on the metal table is in analogy marked with grey tape
If the door module was lost during Task 1 it has to be picked up from the module fixture attached to the robot platform. This fixture will only be attached during the pickup and will be removed just after picking up the module sucessfully.
The position of the door on the table is more or less fix. You are advised to reference yourself on the door and not on the table, as the table might change wrt. appearance and geometry.

t1 module pickup
20150820_134144_lowres.jpg (71.97 KiB) Viewed 745 times

t2 mod pickup backup
20150820_134039_lowres.jpg (76.35 KiB) Viewed 745 times

Tool changing
The tool changing will be carried out with the help of some services to be provided by us. The initial condition to trigger a tool change is to be close to a reference position given by a tf frames (one for each toolchanging station)
Please note: while the tool changing service is not yet implemented please attach/detach the tool by hand to/from the robot

You can attach(0)/detach(1) the tool by calling:
rosservice call /phidgets/named_phidget/set_digital toolchanger 1
rosservice call /phidgets/named_phidget/set_digital toolchanger 0

The important frames are:
world: base of everything
ur_base: base frame of the robot
flange_0: frame corresponds to the tcp set in the ur controller (please make sure that the standard tcp is not shifted or rotated in the controller, this is the default setting). The pose of the frame mirrors the actual robot position and is independend from the kinematic chain modelled in the urdf.
camera_d3_0: origin of the stereo camera
camera_optical_frame: origin of the pmd camera
fts_measurement_frame: origin of the force torque sensor

Stereo camera
The camera images are published on the following topic:
/img_pub1 -> left image
/img_pub2 -> right image

The corresponding camera_info topics are:

PMD camera
The data produced by this sensor (depth, distance, amplitude/quality, point cloud) is available under the following topics:

Force Torque Sensor
The data from the sensor is available from the following topic:

You can zero the sensor by calling
rosservice call /robotiq_force_torque_sensor_acc "command: 'SET ZRO'"

You can switch on(1)/off(0) the screwer by calling:
rosservice call /phidgets/named_phidget/set_digital screwer 1
rosservice call /phidgets/named_phidget/set_digital screwer 0

Module gripper
You can adjust the gripper to your needs using the handles provided. Please make sure that there is enough free space to pick the gripper from its toolchanging station. (the gripper points towards the robot platform and the electrical connector towards the robot base
You can switch on(0)/off(1) the gripper by calling:
rosservice call /phidgets/named_phidget/set_digital vacuum 0
rosservice call /phidgets/named_phidget/set_digital vacuum 1

The ROS master runs on a PC inside of the robot platform and is reachable under IP MASK:
To connect your PC to the ROS network please use only IP adresses in the range 192.168.42.[130-139]

The model of the setup can be obtained during your stay on site (package doorassembly)

Please note that despite being technically possible for some of the components you are not allowed to run your own driver with them (e.g. your own robot or camera driver) during benchmarking.

Don't hesitate to contact our supporters on site for questions not answered above.

Kind regards,
Your Challenge Host
Posts: 18
Joined: Wed 5. Aug 2015, 09:30

by Advertising » Thu 20. Aug 2015, 11:35


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